September 13, 2013.
Cast: Oviya, Jayaprakash, Naveen.
Cast: Oviya, Jayaprakash, Naveen.
Director: Naveen.

After the success of films
like Pizza, NKPK, Soodhu kavvum etc the Tamil film industry has all of a sudden
become willing to let the filmmakers experiment, even though they are
Moodar Koodam is one among
such offerings which comes from debutante director Naveen (who also plays one
of the leads in the film), an ex-associate director of Pandiraj.
Four strangers Naveen,
Sentrayan, Vellachami and Kuberan happen to meet each other in lock up. Owing
to the not so good background that each of them has they stick together and
decide to rob Vellachami’s uncle played by Jayaprakash. In Soodhu kavvum if it was kidnapping that had
gone wrong here as expected the heist goes wrong.
It is good to experiment
but when it is an experiment with an experiment the project will have danger
signs written all over it unless supported by a solid script which
unfortunately is not the case with Moodar Koodam.
The earnestness wrt the
script is evident but the end product falls way too short of what was expected
by the writer(who happens to be the director as well). When a comedy film
evokes not even a single laugh from you till the interval or even after that
then you have to call it something else. To say the least it is nothing short
of nonsense on screen in the name of dark comedy.
The film seems more like a
documentary with the lead actors giving moral insights every now and then more
or less mechanically which neither has the intended effect nor any
entertainment value. The average background score does not help either.
The even more irritating
factor is the flashback that each of the four lead cast has!! To make it worse
even Jayaprakash’s dog “Tiger” has a flashback shown with one of the dumbest
irritating horrible songs ever shot which serves no purpose at all in the
scheme of things.
It is very very hard to
tell anything good about the movie but if forced to think too much there are
just 3 good things about it. The first one is the earnest performances by the
cast in a few scenes; the second is the cinematography and editing which look
slick and the final one being the technical finesse with which the cartoon
style flashback of Kuberan has been shot.
am giving a 0.25 for Moodar Koodam. Do not go even
anywhere near the posters of the film!!
Rating Scale (Out
of 5)
Less than 2
2 to 2.25
Below average.
2.5 to 2.75
3 to
3.5 to
3.75 -
Really Good.
4 to 4.25
4.5 and
- Extraordinary.
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