Cast: Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller.
Director: Stephen Chbosky.

The Perks of being a wallflower is an adaptation of the book
written by the director himself with the same name.
The talented,introvert and loner freshman(high school)
Charlie(Logan Lerman) is brought into their gang by the Step-siblings
Patrick(Ezra Miller) and Sam(Emma Watson). He starts discovering himself and
the world through his friends. From then on it’s a journey of romance, belonging,
confusion, homosexuality, sex, drugs and self discovery.
From the very first scene you will fall
in love with Logan Lerman who is EXCEPTIONAL to the point that you will wonder
if it’s the same guy who acted in Percy Jackson. Emma Watson as the girl who has
been used(or abused) sexually since she was a kid, yet searching for happiness
or love may be, and Ezra Miller as the gay guy(literally and otherwise) are fabulous.
The brilliant screenplay along with the
wonderful music beautiful cinematography and classy direction transports you to
a different world. The wonderful narrative is an added bonus. You are sure to
come out inspired and if you are a writer there is no doubt to the fact that
you will be inspired to start your new project.
The movie deals with a lot of sensitive
issues but the most important among them, though hinted at at several
intermittent scenes, is revealed fully towards the end only and that shows the amount
of thought put into the screenplay. A few scenes in the middle might give you
the feel of a usual high school movie but then Chbosky swiftly shows his class
by bringing it back on track.
It’s a complete movie.
I am giving a 4/5 for The
perks of being a Wallflower. Enjoy the journey to self discovery. We are
IMDB Link -
Rating Scale (Out of 5)
Less than 2
- Unwatchable.
2 to 2.25
- Below
2.5 to 2.75
- Average.
3 to
- Good.
3.5 to
- Great.
4 to
4.5 and